i lived in west bromwich the year they won the fa cup--about 69--70--?
the crowd to welcome the team home finally put me off football --for life.
which ever country you come from, if you are a football fan you know of the f.a cup.
because the f.a cup is the oldest and most prestigious cup competition in the world.
or at least that's the way it was when i was a kid.. now this wonderful competition has been cheapened to a non event.
i lived in west bromwich the year they won the fa cup--about 69--70--?
the crowd to welcome the team home finally put me off football --for life.
the only jw's i know--- now--are my 1st wife--and my daughter. they share the same house. being dubs suits them perfectly. they shun my d/f son...so are unlikely to ever meet his young son.
but for all that--blood is thicker than water--so--i live in hope--but realistically i cant see them changing.
my novel is now free on kindle for the next five days.
albert’s einstein said "reality is merely an illusion albeit a very persistent one!
the buddhist say the same thing.
i have been lurking on the site for a few months and thought it about time i plucked up the courage to step out of the shadows and say hello.. i am in the process of fading after realizing all is not right with the organization i had trusted implicitly for over 40 years.
there have always been 'truths' i have struggled to accept entirely, even as a child, but was confident that trusting in jehovah, building my faith and remaining patient would be enough to settle any nagging doubts that remained, so i pushed any inconsistencies to the back of my mind and concentrated on being the best witness that i could be.. over the last few years, however, i have been preoccupied with a number of crises in my family and stepping back slightly from 'theocratic' activity has allowed me to re evaluate a number of concerns and research sources other than the sanitized wt publications.. my eyes are now wide open - i found things which have appalled me and left me feeling extremely let down and disappointed by people i had really trusted.. i tried gently raising a few subjects with my mum (who was baptized early '70s and still remains a staunch wt supporter) but she will hear no criticism of the organization.
i understand this because the best part of her life has been invested in the religion and to acknowledge it may have got things wrong would be to recognize the last 40 years have been a vain waste.
heres a link to many other UK members:
i have been lurking on the site for a few months and thought it about time i plucked up the courage to step out of the shadows and say hello.. i am in the process of fading after realizing all is not right with the organization i had trusted implicitly for over 40 years.
there have always been 'truths' i have struggled to accept entirely, even as a child, but was confident that trusting in jehovah, building my faith and remaining patient would be enough to settle any nagging doubts that remained, so i pushed any inconsistencies to the back of my mind and concentrated on being the best witness that i could be.. over the last few years, however, i have been preoccupied with a number of crises in my family and stepping back slightly from 'theocratic' activity has allowed me to re evaluate a number of concerns and research sources other than the sanitized wt publications.. my eyes are now wide open - i found things which have appalled me and left me feeling extremely let down and disappointed by people i had really trusted.. i tried gently raising a few subjects with my mum (who was baptized early '70s and still remains a staunch wt supporter) but she will hear no criticism of the organization.
i understand this because the best part of her life has been invested in the religion and to acknowledge it may have got things wrong would be to recognize the last 40 years have been a vain waste.
hello Contra Mundum--welcome to the site. Good username !
are you able to tell us what country youre in ?
male or female ?
elder ? m/s ?
My eyes are now wide open - I found things which have appalled me and left me feeling extremely let down and disappointed by people I had really trusted.
can you discuss this ?
so i'm back from the store walking to my apartment, over a hundred units in the complex - all jws and ex-jws - and i see someone talking to an ex-jw neighbor of mine.
she turns around and says "now there's some else i have to apologize to".. she identified herself as an old neighbor who used to play as a jw child right by my place.
she had told me how she was raised to consider me and all the ex-jws in the apartment complex as evil and thought she had to apologize for that.. made my day.
so i'm back from the store walking to my apartment, over a hundred units in the complex - all jws and ex-jws - and i see someone talking to an ex-jw neighbor of mine.
she turns around and says "now there's some else i have to apologize to".. she identified herself as an old neighbor who used to play as a jw child right by my place.
she had told me how she was raised to consider me and all the ex-jws in the apartment complex as evil and thought she had to apologize for that.. made my day.
stoops manufacturing, the wt approved distribrution company for "all things jw" for many years, has been dissolved because of a "failure to file an administration report" with the state of missouri.. https://bsd.sos.mo.gov/businessentity/businessentitydetail.aspx?page=besearch&id=404520.
you can download the full document from that link.. .
does anyone know anything about stoops?
back in the early 70's there was a brother, well known in the circuit did the no no with.
a few of the young sisters in the congregation.
he was df and the word, he would never be.
blue dog : My grandfather slept with his brothers wife but was reinstated and reappointed an elder shortly thereafter. My grandmother slept with her brother in law
ha ha ha--brilliant.
but just as well your grampa slept with your granma---or else you would be just another wasted ovum.